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People might not associating farmers with technology from the Bay Area, but The Climate Corporation, they’re dedicated to provide tools for the farmers that help maximize their crop yields and use natural resources efficiently. They believe that innovation plays a vital role in their mission, they..
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has a real mix of telecommuting in the office and staff. As a nonprofit busy company, they employ technology to lead their organization, and as many Better Business Bureau offices across the country, they have an IT department that adds to the challenge of keeping..
Sometimes important stuff may come when you’re enjoying your time at a beautiful resort, or, while you are in a trip. Chance is you’re not always in the office when your superior informs you that she/he needs the latest project proposal or report ASAP. While your life can’t be made more..
Has been in the business of making gas-powered engines for more than 100-years, Briggs & Stratton is a well-known big company producing lawn mower, tractor and many more. Today, they also sell portable generators pressure washers and snow blowers and they’re transitioning into a maker of consumer..
Google launched Maps Engine Pro last fall to provide an easy-to-use tool for collaborative map creation to business and individual users. With this Maps Engine Pro, rich and multi-layered maps can be created. Sharing information with stakeholders and making decisions are also more collaboratively...
Docs, Sheets and Slides got a major upgrade a few weeks ago at Google I/O— allow you to even easier to get work done with Google Apps at the office and on-the-go. Shall you missed it, not to worry because here’s a recap of how you can edit Office files, make Suggested Edits and a new ability to..