Google Forms with Change Theme


google-forms-with-custom-themeGoogle Forms has been quite a useful tool since its launching. Every Google user can easily gather information from a group using this app. Whether it is in formal or non formal context, such as gathering response from your customers about their opinions of your newest product, collecting attendance for a study trip or just keeping track of who’s bringing what on a camping.

And now, one of top users’ requests, which is the ability to add personal touch to Forms, is granted with the new update of Google Forms: custom themes. With this new update, you can now customize Forms as you like. You can modify the theme using your own picture or logos as the following screen shots:

  1. When you’re creating new Forms, to modify the theme, just click “change theme” and follow the next steps as shown below:



Change-theme-in-Google-Forms Change-theme-in-Google-Forms




  1. If you don’t want to bother selecting your own images, then, just pick one of a bunch images provided.



choosing-themes-in-Google-Forms choosing-themes-in-Google-Forms


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